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[8/5 – 8/9] CogAT Workshop Grade 3 and 4

August 5th to August 9th – 12PM to 1PM PST
Instructor: Sushama Thakur
Min number of students: 2
Max number of students: 8
Grade Level: Students starting Grade 3 and 4 during next school year

Join us for an immersive 5-day workshop led by the esteemed educator Sushama Thakur. Participants will engage in interactive classes and hands-on labs each day, mastering various reasoning skills using Prepforest’s online platform. This workshop aims to enhance critical thinking and problem-solving abilities through practical exercises and expert guidance.

Day 1: Verbal Analogy and Verbal Classification

Verbal Analogies:
What are analogies?
Simple examples to illustrate analogies.
Fun strategies to find the right answers.

Verbal Classification:
What is classification?
How to group words based on similarities.
Interactive activities to practice classification.

Hands-on Lab:
Practice verbal analogy and classification questions on Prepforest’s platform during the class.
Work on sample questions after the class is over.

Day 2: Sentence Completion and Figure Matrices

Sentence Completion:
Learning how to complete sentences.
Finding clues in sentences to choose the right words.
Engaging exercises to practice.

Figure Matrices:
Introduction to figure matrices.
Learning to find patterns in pictures.
Solving fun figure matrix puzzles.

Hands-on Lab:
Work on sentence completion and figure matrix problems on Prepforest during the class.
Work on sample questions after the class is over.

Day 3: Paper Folding

What is paper folding?
Simple exercises to understand folding and cutting.
Fun activities to practice paper folding problems.

Hands-on Lab:
Practice paper folding problems using Prepforest’s interactive tool during the class.
Feedback to improve accuracy and understanding.
Work on sample questions after the class is over.

Day 4: Number Series and Figure Classification

Number Series:
Learning about number patterns.
Finding the next number in a series.
Fun exercises to practice.

Figure Classification:
Grouping pictures based on common features.
Learning to identify different shapes and patterns.
Engaging activities to practice figure classification.

Hands-on Lab:
Solve number series and figure classification problems on Prepforest during the class.
Work on sample questions after the class is over.

Day 5: Number Puzzles and Number Analogies

Number Puzzles:
Introduction to different number puzzles.
Fun ways to solve puzzles.
Practice with various types of number puzzles.

Number Analogies:
Learning about number analogies.
Finding relationships between numbers.
Solving number analogy problems.

Hands-on Lab:
Engage with number puzzles and analogy questions on Prepforest during the class.
Work on sample questions after the class is over.